Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

Floppy & Notso

Ich würde gern mal ein paar Sashas aufarbeiten, aber wo sollen die bastelreifen Puppen her kommen, die mit Haarausfall und beschädigter Gesichtsbemalung? Neulich gab es im Ebay immerhin ein paar, die recht billig waren. Ich habe zwei ersteigert, beides Jungs, einen blonden mit "Gummi am Hals lose" und einen dunklen.

I would love to customize a doll or two, but where to get the waifs? Where are the Sashas with falling hair and damaged face paint? Recently there were a few cheap dolls in German Ebay, and I won two boys, a blonde Gregor with "elastic a little loose at neck" and a brunette.

Im Karton ist Floppy Greg - seine Beingummis waren so fertig dass er 10cm größer aussah, und ich konnte sie ohne Werkzeug aushängen. Daneben Not So Floppy - im Grunde ist Notso perfekt erhalten, lediglich seine Frisur war etwas eigenartig und die Haare fühlten sich leicht klebrig an, rochen aber noch wie neu.
Was ist dir passiert, Kumpel?
Beide Jungs sind 80er, Floppy ein Jumpsuit (auf dem er drauf liegt), Notso ein Dark Jeans.

In the box Floppy Greg - his leg elastics were so loose he looked 10cm taller, and I could remove the legs without tools. Not So Floppy is in perfect condition, only his hairstyle looked strange and the hair felt a bit tacky, but smelt like new.
What happened to you, comrade? 
Both are from the eighties, Floppy a Jumpsuit (underneath him in the box) missing the scarf but complete with shoes and socks, Notso a Dark Jeans minus sandals.

Gestern hatte ich eine Sitzung in Freiburg und fuhr mit einer Bekannten hin. Notso, Haare nass gekämmt und Sockenbeanie drauf, durfte mit. Schnell noch Floppys Schuhe eingesteckt - Bei 2 Frauen im Auto braucht es mehrere Pausen...

Yesterday I had a meeting in Freiburg and drove there with a friend. Notso, beanie top on his wet combed hair, came with us. He nicked Floppy's shoes. 2 women in a car means several stops...

Oh nein - das ist das FRAUENklo!!!

Oh no - this must be the LADIES room!!!

Tagsüber musste Notso sich dann im Auto langweilen, aber auf der Rückfahrt durfte er wieder raus. Deutsche Mülltrennung! Da macht uns keiner was vor.

While we worked, Notso had to wait in the car, but on the way back he got some more fresh air. German waste separation! Watch and learn...

Wir waren mit dem Cabrio meiner Freundin unterwegs. (Kein Diesel!) In Bühl beschlossen wir, dass wir offen weiter fahren können.

We were in my friend's convertible. (Not a diesel engine!) In Bühl we decided it was warm enough to drive open.

Yippie! Ich fliege!

Yippie! I'm flying!

Ich bin der König der Welt...

I'm the king of the world...

Notso ist prima erhalten, um seine Haare wäre es verdammt schade, aber seine gedruckten Augen sind sehr flach, deshalb werde ich die wohl ändern.

Notso is in very good condition, and it would be a terrible waste to remove his hair, but I might enhance his eyes, since the print looks rather flat.

3 Kommentare:

  1. I just loved reading this post and adore their names 'Notso' and 'Floppy' how wonderful - will you keep these names for them I wonder? Looks like Notso had a good day out indeed. When you get a brunette with good hair I would never remove it, but enhancing his eyes might be nice.

    1. I'm planning to turn Floppy into a girl, so he/she'll probably get a new name - and as soon as my parcel from Georgette Bravot arrives, my very first Sasha restrung by me will appear, non-floppy I hope! Notso will be Notso forever I think - already started to give him a brighter look, but the photos are not yet loaded onto the computer.

  2. I agree that the printed eyes look rather flat and lacking in expression. I bought one some years back and she was new in box, even had that lovely new vinyl smell, but those eyes! I sent her to Shelly in the UK and had her repaint the eyes, I love her now, she's so much prettier. I ended up removing her hair though and giving her a lambswool wig. She is unique now LOL!
    I love the road trip you went on, the car is great....I sometimes miss my convertible that I had in the UK...when I could use it here :) Love the photos of your new brunette enjoying the fresh air in the back of the car.
