Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017

Auf dem Eis / On the ice

Das erste hat nichts mit Puppen zu tun, aber:

The first pic has nothing to do with dolls, but:

Die Amaryllis hat eine zweite Blüte getrieben - grad rechtzeitig um sich mit der Orchidee zu einem netten Gesteck zu arrangieren. Ich hab nix daran gedreht, die sind so gewachsen!

My amaryllis grew a second flower - just in time to arrange itself very nicely with the orchid. I didn't manipulate them - it's grown this way.

Kommende Woche sind die Eiskunstlauf-Europameisterschaften. Keine meiner Sashas konnte sich qualifizieren, denn Mami hat es versäumt ihnen ein passendes Kostüm zu nähen! Da werden sie das Event wohl am Fernseher verfolgen müssen.

The European figure skating championship will be next week. None of my Sashas qualified for it, since Mummy failed to sew them a proper skating dress! So they'll have to watch the event on TV.

Trotzdem testen Harriet und Luise, ob das Eis in der Regentonne sie trägt. Luise wollte den neuen Pulli (mit Kleid) unbedingt haben und hat daher das grüne Kleid (ungemarkt) an Harriet abgetreten, die nur zögernd das Weihnachtskleid hergegeben hat.

Anyway, Harriet and Luise are trying out if the ice in the rain barrel is firm enough to carry them. Lusie desperately wanted the new sweater and dress set, so she gave the green dress (maker unknown) to Harriet, who reluctantly gave up her Christmas dress.
That was complicated!

Mädels! Die Tonne ist viel zu klein! Und wie seid ihr überhaupt angezogen? Luise du trägst Sandalen!
Egal - für ein paar Pirouetten müsste es reichen?

Girls! That barrel is way too small! And you're not dressed for the occasion! Luise you are wearing sandals!
Never mind - should be enough for some pirouettes?

13 Kommentare:

  1. Prima Idee, das mit der Regentonneneisbahn! Bißchen klein, aber besser als nix.
    Und die Orchidee scheint die Amaryllis zu mögen -sowas zu sehen ist immer herzerwärmend :)

    1. Es gibt noch eine blaue Hyazinthe darunter, aber die mag wohl nicht mitmachen - sie hat sich hingelegt, schweres Köpfchen...

  2. Lovely flowers

    How brave the girls are to test the ice by standing on it! What if it had broken! They w our be trying to save themselves from a deep water!
    Luckily they are safe and it's thick enough for them to do a spin or two !

    1. We had -10°C each night for almost a week now, and the temperature never rose above zero, though the days were sunny. So, the ice in the barrel is massive - no danger for the two brave girls.

  3. Amaryllis always brightens up the winter months. If your girls really get into ice skating you may wind up as one of those 'skating mums' who stays up all night sewing sequins on costumes.

    1. Oh no! That sounds too dangerous! No sequins for me - no! Plus, when they lose some on the ice, they might easily fall.
      Maybe I try to show the girls some sports that are safer and don't involve Mummy staying up late.

  4. Naturally, they'll need ice skates now. I like the cable on the front of the blue jumper. What is its name; I'd like to do it for one of my boys?

    1. It's from a very old pattern book I borrowed from my mum, they call it just "leaf". Since I start my sweaters at the neckline, it is top-down. The background is purled, then it's yarn over, knit one, yarn over. (In the return row these stitches are always just purled.) Next right side the leaf is knit, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit (makes 5), then knit 2, yo, k1, yo, k2 (makes 7), next k3, yo, k1, yo, k3 (makes 9). In the next 3 right rows it's one single decrease leaning left, k 5 (3,1), decrease leaning right, and in the last right row the 3 remaining stitches are knitted together. That's all - I hope you understand what I mean, sometimes my English maybe needs interpretation...
      The sweater has two of those leaves.

  5. Looks fun and not too far if they fall!
    I'm loving the leaf pattern on the jumper.

    1. Thank you! I was happy to find a design that was small enough for the jumper front.
      Yes they had fun, and they came home safely.

  6. It's called 'improvising' mum! The dress looks lovely on Harriet with her dark colouring and Lusie looks great in the skirt and jumper set.
    It's a shame they didn't qualify but I hope they'll enjoy watching the ice skating on tv instead. :)

    1. I told them they are too young anyway - so they asked for a lot of popcorn to enjoy the championship on TV.

  7. Gosh you have had it cold! Sounds like the ice is thick enough not to break through though. I am sure they will enjoy watching the skating and get inspiration and encouragement to try out next year.

    Really lovely outfits.
