Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Dienstag, 3. Januar 2017

Profimodel / professional model

Der Sommer ist bloß ein halbes Jahr entfernt, deshalb habe ich das erste ärmellose Kleid genäht. Es gibt schließlich eine Menge Mädchen, die auf einmal eins werden haben wollen!
Damit es sich auch im Winter nützlich machen kann, habe ich einen Pulli dazu gestrickt. Eve ist so freundlich, beides vorzustellen.

There's only six months to go until summer, so I made the first sleeveless dress. There are many girls in my household who'll want one way too soon!
I knitted a sweater to go with it in winter. Eve kindly agreed to show us both.

Sie steht auf dem Schnellkomposter am Ende unseres winzigen Gartens und lässt sich nicht anmerken, dass ihre Zähne klappern.

She stands on the compost box at the end of our tiny garden and tries to hide the fact that her teeth are clattering.

Eigentlich war es so gedacht dass die Knöpfe hinten sein sollten, aber dann dachte ich spontan, mit dem Verschluss vorn sieht es auch gut aus.

The buttons were meant to be on the back, but then I decided it also looks nice with the front opening.

Noch eine Pose - und schnell wieder rein. Du hast dir einen schönen heißen Tee verdient, Eve!
- Was? NEIN nicht mit Schuss!

A last pose - and go inside quickly. You deserve a nice hot tea, Eve!
- What? NO not with a shot of rum in it!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Brave girl modelling outside for you! It looks freezing, although very pretty. I love her matching shoes.

    1. They are Ruthdolls shoes and came with the outfit Candy wore when she joined us. I thought at first they might be too dark, but they look fine on the photos.

  2. Eve looks lovely, I like the buttons in the front of the sweater! Rum is for sailors Eve, not for little girls! ;-)

  3. What a bright and colourful girl she looks amongst the frost, like a beautiful spring flower in winter!
    Love the photos, love the girl, great outfit!

    1. I love the girl too - she is a gorgeous reroot by Allison Parnell, a very lucky Ebay find.

  4. With all your kids, I'd think you'd need all 6 months to knit enough outfits for all of them! I do like the buttons and opening on the front and I thought the way you did the stripes on the upper half and solid colour on the lower half looks very smart.

    1. My kids must learn to share early in life - they have to swap clothes when they want to look different. Yes it's a lot of knitting to do! A lot of sewing, too... I tend to get carried away finding siblings for them. Well, "discipline" certainly isn't my second name.
