Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2017

Schlittenfahrt / Going sleddding

Ich nehme die Sashas zum Fotografieren meistens auf die Hunderunde mit. Das könnte die Leser dieses Blogs auf die Idee bringen, wir würden mitten in herrlicher Natur wohnen. Leider muss ich immer ein Stück fahren, um etwas Natur zu finden; wir sind der Ballungsraum Mittlerer Neckar.
Deshalb gab es letzten Sonntag einen Fotoshoot in Laufweite unseres Wohngebiets.

To have their photos taken, the Sashas usually join my doggie walk. So the readers of this blog might believe we live amidst beautiful nature. The truth is, I always have to get there by car; we are Mittlerer Neckar, the metropolitan area north of Stuttgart.
So last Sunday, we had a photo shoot in walking distance to our living quarters.

Ein etwas realistischeres Bild unserer näheren Umgebung

A more realistic picture of our environments.

Mortimer zeigt stolz die enorme Menge Schnee, die wir am Wochenende hatten - während der Rest der Republik entweder von Schneewehen oder von Blitzeis geplagt wurde.

Mortimer proudly presents the enormous amounts of snow we got last weekend - while the rest of the country was plagued with snow drifts or ice rain.

Breuningerland ist eine Shopping Mall mit schrecklich vielen Parkplätzen, und entsprechend viel Verkehr an Werktagen.

Breuningerland is a shopping mall with an awfully huge parking lot, causing  awfully much traffic on working days.

Immerhin flutscht auf dem Asphalt der neue Schlitten gut. Mein Mann hat ihn gebaut.

The upside is, the new sled runs smoothly on the tarmac. My dear husband made it.  (the sled of course!)

Baby ist begeistert, dass ihr großer Bruder sie spazieren zieht.

Baby is delighted to be pulled by her big brother.

Unendliche Schneewüste...

Endless snow ...

Mortimer findet das auf die Dauer doch anstrengend.

After a while, Mortimer gets tired.

Zeit für eine Schussfahrt / Time for a ride down this slope


14 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely photos, snow makes for such great scenes, doesn't it! I think the sledge is great, I'm sure it will get many winters of use by your kids.
    I really like the final photo, it looks so sweet with the two of them riding down the slope together.

    1. It was not easy to keep Mortimer on the sledge. His legs are a bit too short, and the wood is very well polished. But I think they enjoyed the ride.

  2. The sled is beautifully crafted by your husband! The pictures are lovely, Mortimer and the baby are lucky to have snow to go play in :-).

    1. They had to be very fast - the day before yesterday it was all gone.

  3. Great outdoor photos. especially love the one of him looking little and standing on the rock from behind.
    Plus the ones with the sled and baby. That place we have to travel to get a few good photos of our dolls :)
    Love photos of them in snow but don't like to drive in the stuff :)

    1. Luckily, the roads were free. The snow plough didn't have much to do this winter yet, so I think its operators were happy to get it out at last.

  4. I did imagine you lived out in the country! Mortimer's hat and coat are wonderful. He probably needed a big bowl of hot soup after pulling that sled around.

    1. He said something like he needed a big fat box of fries - there's a Burger Kind AND a McDonald's on the premises. But he was also content with some hot chocolate at home.

  5. Well, I'll admit that you had me fooled - I thought you lived in the country! This was a big surprise! It looks like you're having the snowy weather just like in Gregoropolis. The green coat on Mortimer is really very nice; I'd like to make something like it for Hans.

    1. Well we live in the country, and we don't. Tamm has only 12.000 inhabitants, but towns here tend to blend into each other with not much space between them. To find a forest takes about 10 minutes by car, and fields are accessible in 5, so it's not that bad. But we have a lot of industry, good for employment and bad for landscape...
      The coat was made from wool felt with a lovely sheen, and from a pattern out of the famous 3 Anns book.

  6. Love the photos your Sasha kids look great!

    1. Thanks! And I found coats for them at last! Else Baby would have caught a cold - Mortimer kept warm by pulling the sledge.

  7. Schlittelt ihr da so fröhlich ums Breuningerland an der Autobahn?
    Da fahren wir immer vorbei, wenn wir in den Schwarzwald zu meiner Mutter unterwegs sind. Ist ja nett, wenn man die Location so ein bißchen einordnen kann :)

    1. Ja - Ludwigsburg, nicht etwa Sindelfingen. Das mit dem großen Ikea nebenan...
      Einer der Vorzüge unseres Wohnorts ist, dass man sehr schnell daraus abhauen kann. 4 Minuten zur Autobahn ist ein Wort!
