Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Montag, 2. Januar 2017


Silvester wurde es knackig kalt. Kein Schnee, aber ordentlich Raureif.

On New Year's Eve, it got real cold. No snow, but heavy frost.

Dazu noch Nebel - nicht sehr gemütlich.

With the fog on top, it wasn't inviting outdoors.

Fällt jemandem die bessere Qualität meiner Fotos auf? Das liegt an der neuen Geburtstag + Weihnachten Kamera (Canon EOS), in die ich mich langsam einfummele.

Did anyone notice the better photo quality on my blog? That's because of my birthday + Christmas camera (Canon EOS) which I'm slowly learning to operate.

Charlie und ein weites Feld - im Hintergrund ist der Nebel schon weg. In der Sonne sah der Reif sehr schön aus. Bloß war die Sonne nie an der selben Stelle wie die Kamera und ich!

Charlie and the endless fields - in the background, the sun is already out. In the sunny patches the frosted trees looked very pretty. Unfortunately, the sun and my camera never were in the same place.

Bloß nicht ins Wasser fallen...

Don't fall into the water...

Ich pass da durch / I can walk this narrow passage

Und eine wohl verdiente Rast - bleib nicht so lange sitzen, Charlie, du erkältest dich!

And a well deserved break - don't sit there too long, Charlie, you'll catch a cold!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Lucky you getting a new camera, have fun with it! Belated birthday wishes :-)

    Charlie looks like he really enjoyed his lovely walk. I really enjoyed all the photos.

    1. I love that camera! I still have things to learn, but it's so much better than my old Nikon Coolpix. I'm so glad that I can adjust some things manually now. I sorely missed the reflex camera I had many years ago, back when you had to bring the film to a shop to have copies made... it had no technical gimmicks at all, but it made the best photos!

  2. Congratulations with your birthday and new camera! The pictures of Charlie and nature are beautiful!

    1. In fact, my birthday was already at Dec 12th. My son, who organized the all-family-gift, had the clever idea to give me the complete equipment for my birthday (like batteries, extra flashlight, bag...) and the actual camera for Christmas, so I had more time looking forward to it. Those were 12 very long days!

  3. Your photos are always beautiful, and you'll have a lot of fun with the new camera. I love these frosty pictures. To me, this is just the right amount of winter.

    1. The pics look good - but it was rather chilly taking them. So glad Charlie didn't catch a cold!

  4. Gorgeous photos, and congrats on the new camera. I think the heavy frost adds a beautiful sheen to the photos, they look really great!

    1. They would have looked even better with some sunshine - but I had left Charlie and the camera in the car whilst walking the dogs, and the sun never came to where it was parked. I had some beautiful views walking, though. Can't have it all...
