Aus unserem Flur (wo ich das Küchenbuffet lagere) kommt leises Grummeln.
From our staircase, where the kitchen cabinet is stored, one can hear subdued grumbling.
Nein, nicht von den spielenden Hunden - obwohl Bazi schon findet dass Bazille sehr lästig ist. Es kommt von Jenny.
Das hatte schon jemand an! Das ist nicht neu! NIE krieg ich was Neues!
Aber Jenny es steht dir - und das Weihnachtskleid das du eben ausgezogen hast WAR neu.
Aber das durfte ich nicht behalten, das gibt es erst nächste Weihnachten wieder...
Jenny möchte schmollen. Lassen wir sie.
No not from the playing dogs - though Bazi certainly finds Bazille can be a nuisance. But it's Jenny we hear.
Someone wore this before me! It's not new! I NEVER get anything new!
But Jenny it suits you - and the Christmas dress you just took off WAS new.
But I couldn't keep it, it will be put away until next Christmas!
Jenny wants to sulk, so let's leave her alone.
Oben im Schlafszimmer ist die Glückliche, die was Neues bekommen hat - und ihr bisheriges Outfit weiter gegeben:
Upstairs in the main bedroom we find the lucky girl who got something new - and handed down the outfit she wore before:
Scarlett schaut nach der Oma aller Alpenveilchen. Es ist jetzt 27, und es fängt wieder an zu blühen.
Scarlett looks after the grandma of all cyclamens. It's 27 now and just starts to bloom.
Über einem etwas längeren ärmellosen Kleid für den Sommer trägt sie einen Pulli in lachs, und ich hab mir einen abgebrochen mit dem Muster!
She wears a longer sleeveless summer dress under a salmon coloured jumper, and I nearly broke my fingers with that design!
Dass manche Leute ganze Kniestrümpfe in diesem Muster stricken - unglaublich...
There are people out there who knit long men's knee stockings in patterns like those - unbelievable...
Ursula, that sweater is just beautiful! Her whole outfit is lovely and it suits her so well. Jenny, your outfit may not be new, but it looks very pretty on you! I know from experience that deciding who gets the new clothes can be a very delicate balancing act.
Jenny might be a little unjust, because Scarlett is the only one who wore the cardi before her, and when she got it, the dress had been worn by several others (since I had it for years). With our small wardrobe, sharing means two kids get a different look at the same time!
LöschenHand me downs are never welcome or even hand me sideways! when the other persons got the new things :) But I am sure Jenny will come to love her 'new' warm clothing .
AntwortenLöschenScarlet's new clothes are gorgeous and suit her beautifully. That Sweater is a masterpiece and well worth all your effort to make. Best to hope they don't all say they want one just like it!! :)
They keep telling me something but I don't quite get it. Girls? What was it? Can't hear you...
LöschenWell worth the almost broken finger, as it's quite lovely.
AntwortenLöschenMaybe I'll even make another one. Some day. After a good rest...
LöschenVery beautiful sweater, both in colour and design, well worth the hard work. Poor Jenny, she still looks very pretty.
AntwortenLöschenI think Jenny looks great, and she'd better get used to outfit-communism in this household. Hey, there are poor children out there wearing rags they would be so happy to have a nice warm set with no holes in it... Jenny??
LöschenAww little Jenny is naturally upset because no-one wants to wear hand-me-downs, but her outfit is nice and warm, so maybe soon she will forgive you!
AntwortenLöschenI love that sweater Ursula you did a great job on it, you're very clever and it's in perfect scale.
The cable pattern is from the used Austrian book on socks knitting I bought recently. It contains a lot of lovely designs in small scale - but all a bit complicated I' afraid.
LöschenEach of the boys here is a different size so no hand-me-downs. That said, Adam and Armand do share footwear but they don't mind. The jumper is lovely and I do admire the cable pattern. Does it have a name? I'd like to try my hand at knitting it into a jumper.
AntwortenLöschenThe cable pattern is called "Vergessene Liab", which means Forgotten Love. It's a traditional Austrian pattern for stockings, I found it in several books. On the bottom of the jumper I had to improvise, as the complete pattern didn't fit in a third time.