Für Sonntag war eigentlich wärmeres Wetter angesagt. Das hat es aber nicht zu uns geschafft, wir hatten immer noch Frost.
The forecast for Sunday had said, temperatures rising. But this didn't reach us, it still was frosty.
Weil auch fließende Gewässer zugefroren sind, dachte Notso, er könnte einen gefrorenen Wasserfall finden, da wo der Bach sonst über mehrere Stufen plätschert.
As current waters had frozen too, Notso thought he could find a frozen waterfall, where the brook used to ripple over several steps.
War aber nix! Beim Zufrieren muss sich das Wasser gestaut haben. So war das Eis mehr oder weniger eben.
But no way! When freezing over, the water must have dammed up. So the ice was more or less plain.
Irgendwo muss das Wasser doch beim Runter rauschen gefroren sein? Aber nichts, nur gewöhnliches Eis.
But some must have frozen while in movement? But nothing like that, only common ice.
Notso ist ein bisschen enttäuscht.
Notso is a little disappointed.
Weiter unten, wo das Gefälle stärker ist: Hier ist gar kein Eis!
Further below, where the incline is steeper: Here is no ice at all!
Hier hat das Wasser nie lange genug stillgehalten um einzufrieren! So ein Mist.
The water never stood still long enough to freeze! Blimey!
Notso, 80er Bub mit aufgehübschten Augen. Den Pulli hatte er an, die Mütze hat er sich von Mortimer ausgeliehen, die Jacke ist aus Teddyfleece, und den Schal hab ich einfach aus einem alten Fleecepulli geschnitten. Wenigstens ist das alles warm genug!
Fall nicht ins Wasser...
Notso, 80s boy with enhanced eyes. He wore the sweater already, the hat is borrowed from Mortimer, the coat is made from teddy fleece, and the scarf I just cut out of an old fleece jumper. At least that's warm enough!
Don't fall into the water...
Das ist ja doch noch Schnee, mitn bißchen Eis, klasse!
AntwortenLöschenReinfallen wär zwar spannend, aber man kühlt ziemlich rasch ab -und dann gehts einem wie Schneider Böck ;)
Und ein heißes Bügeleisen auf ner Sasha - neee!
LöschenHe does look perfectly dressed for the cold you have there....pity there wasn't a frozen waterfall but the snowy landscape makes for nice photos. I hope he didn't fall in that water, he'd not have lasted long in the icy depths ;)
He was very careful and didn't fall into the water. Clever boy!
LöschenNotso, Love the name, is very brave to go looking for a frozen waterfall! I love photo number five as he looks for the waterfall and watches the stream.
AntwortenLöschenI'm glad he is wrapped well for his trek x
I'm glad too - because a male who caught a cold is VERY seriously ill...
LöschenI like the way you enhanced his eyes. The jacket reminds me of original Gotz 'Apres Ski' outfit. Lovely pictures.
AntwortenLöschenI never was happy with his original 80s eyes - I thought they were too flat. I felt very brave and sewed a zipper to the jacket - but net time I'll try harder.
LöschenThis is a delightful photo story - well done! By the way, is "blimey" a German word? (Just kidding!)
AntwortenLöschenIt could be seen in school books when I was young, which is some time ago... but I found it recently in a comment to a blog post, so it must be still alive! Of course, a modern kid probably would have used a rude short word starting with an f. But Notso was born in the eighties... Next time, I'll have him say something like "Schockschwerenot"!