I tried to find a compromise between Mummy-cool and boys-cool. I gave the twins matching shirts to go with their shorts.
Gefällt euch das? / Do you like it?
Cody: Weiß nicht.
Marty: Also ganz ehrlich?
Cody: Dunno.
Marty: Well, honestly?
Wir sehen aus als hätten wir Schlafanzüge an!
We look as if we're wearing pyjamas!
OK wie wäre es so? Besser?
Hm vielleicht - bisschen besser....
Ok what about this? Better?
Hm maybe - a little bit better....
Mortimer sieht das anders.
Ha -ha! Ihr habt eure Schlafanzugoberteile getauscht!
Mortimer disagrees.
Ha ha! You swapped your pyjama tops!
Die Zwillinge denken darüber nach.
The twins ponder on that.
Mami!!!!! / Mummy!!!!!
Mortimer! You naughty boy saying that to the twins! Now you have caused your mum a problem and the twins were lookingvery cool in their same but not quite new outfits.
AntwortenLöschenI think they;d made a good choice to swap tops to make them less same..y
I hope mum can convince them that they are not wearing pj's, Mortimer or your in big trouble!
Well this is not the end of that story.... but Mortimer certainly didn't make my life easier!
LöschenLOL oh dear!!! That was not very tactful of Mortimer to tell them that. I like the matching sets, and my first thought was not pyjamas. But they do look like proper little boys :)
I thought the sets were a smart idea, but when finished I felt they do look like pyjamas...