Ich konnte es mal wieder nicht lassen. So kommen meine Sashas natürlich nie zu einer hochwertigen Garderobe! Aber wer kann diesen blauen Augen widerstehen?
Again, I couldn't control myself. That way, my Sashas will never have a high class wardrobe. But who can resist those blue eyes?
Mortimer ist ein Gregor Blue Suit. Er schlug letzten Freitag bei uns ein.
Mortimer is a Gregor Blue Suit. He arrived last Friday.
Hier zeigt er ein weiteres Namenstagsgeschenk: den süßen Rucksack hat meine Mutter selbst gemacht! Genau richtig, um damit im Herbst wandern zu gehen.
Here he shows us another Saint's day present: my mum made that sweet rucksack! Just right to go hiking in autumn.
Diese Pilze sehen nicht mehr sehr lecker aus.
These mushrooms don't look delicious anymore.
Mortimer wanderte beim Jagsthausener Ruheforst. Mein Papa liegt auf diesem Friedhof im Wald. Mortimer betrachtet die Infotafel.
Mortimer hiked nearby the Ruheforst in Jagsthausen, a cemetery in a forest. My dad is buried here. Mortimer watches the information board.
Rechts hinten ist das Restaurant "Rotes Schloss" in Jagsthausen, im ehemaligen Pferdestall. Sehr stimmungsvoll!
To the right is the restaurant Rotes Schloss (Red Castle) in Jagsthausen, in a former horse stable. Very picturesque!
Mortimer interessiert sich mehr für das kleine Häuschen beim Parkplatz.
Mortimer is more interested in the little house next to the parking lot.
Wohnt dort eine Hexe? / Does a witch live there?
Nö - da sind nur Schilder und Absperrungen drin, die für die Theaterfestspiele gebraucht werden. Langweilig!
Nope - they use it for storing signs and barriers they need for open air theater in summer. Boring!
He does have beautiful eyes and that outfit suits him perfectly. I love the picture of him in front of the Red Castle
AntwortenLöschenJagsthausen is a very nice place - most of it belongs to the Berlichingen family (who are descendants of the guy Goethe wrote a play about). We'll probably visit it often, so I'll find more lovely places for a photo shoot.
LöschenWhat a lovely boy and I can see what 'resistance was futile' :-) Looks like he has settled in immediately and loves going on adventures to fabulous places with you. His rucksack is just the perfect accessory as well.
AntwortenLöschenHe seemed very pleased he could come with us. And my mum did a great job with this rucksack!
LöschenSorry to read about your Dad, but just had to say congratulations on your new boy :)
AntwortenLöschenAt least we found a beautiful resting place for Dad. He wanted to be buried under a tree. These trees can be "bought" for 99 years, so most of our family will lie there one day.
LöschenAnother handsome boy, I don't blame you for wanting to bring him home rather than lots of clothes for your other kids....plus you can make them things anyway, that's the way I look at it.
AntwortenLöschenAnd another lovely place to visit, and a really attractive final resting place for your dear dad. xxx
It's an hour's journey away from where we live, but it's so beautiful we decided we want a family tree, so we can all rest there. I really like the idea of forest funerals, it's so close to nature.