Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 8. Oktober 2016

Zwei Pakete / Two parcels

DHL lieferte zwei Pakete ab. Auf eins hatte ich schon gewartet, weil ich wusste dass die kleine Grace auf dem Weg aus England ist. Aber die Bestellung bei Wagner Puppenschuhe hatte ich vor Wochen aufgegeben und nie etwas von ihnen gehört. Überraschung - die schickten die Lieferung noch vor der "Vorkasse"!

The postman brought two parcels - one I had been waiting for, the other I didn't expect. I knew little Grace was on her way from England, but my order from Wagner doll shoes I had placed several weeks ago, without a response... What a surprise: the delivery came even before I had made a payment!

ENDLICH wohnt auch bei uns eine Pintucks! Sie ist ganz erschlagen von dem Inhalt des gleichzeitig eingetroffenen Schuhkartons.

AT LAST we have a Pintucks living with us! She is overwhelmed by the contents of the shoebox that arrived with her.

Welche davon gefallen mir am besten? - Socki im Hintergrund ist eine selbst gemachte Stofffpuppe; Körper von Glorex, Kopf basierend auf einer Kindersocke. Ihn interessieren Schuhe nicht die Bohne.

Which of them do I like best? - Socki in the background is a rag doll I made; body by Glorex, head based on a children's sock. He is not impressed by shoes.

Grace entscheidet sich für die ocker-grünen Schnürer. Schlau von ihr! Denn die eben fertig gestrickte Jacke passt perfekt dazu. Das Kleid ist nicht selbst genäht, das brachte unsere Honey damals mit. Ich weiß nicht wer es gemacht hat.

Grace chose the ochre and green lace ups. Clever girl! They match the knitted cardigan I just finished perfectly. I didn't sew the dress, our Honey brought it with her. I don't know who made it.

Grace ist eine frühe Pintucks mit blau oxidierten Augen.

Grace is an early Pintucks with eyes oxidized blue.

Gleich mal den Garten inspizieren. Okay - das ist das Hochbeet.

A stroll through the garden. Al right - that's the raised flower bed.

Unsere Orchideen sind wieder im Haus, denn nachts wird es zu kühl für sie. Ihr Korb im Flieder taugt als Aussichtsplattform.

Our orchids have returned into the house, it's already too cold for them at night. Their basket in the lilac tree makes a good observation deck.

Der Olivenbaum darf noch ein wenig draußen bleiben.

The olive tree may spend some more time outdoors.

9 Kommentare:

  1. The boys always get excited when we get packages in the mail because they are almost always for them. That's a beautiful cardigan! The shoes really complete the ensemble. Grace is probably thinking what a lucky little girl she is for getting adopted to your home.

    1. I hope she won't be too disappointed when she learns that we don't get lots of new shoes every other week - and that the children here must share their clothes as Mummy is too slow a dressmaker. But I'm knitting each evening in front of the TV, so they'll have more to share soon!

  2. Antworten
    1. Thank you! Yes I'm very pleased with her. She looks so great redressed - I was never much interested in original clothing. I only wish I could sew and knit a little faster...

  3. A very pretty new girl Ursula and those boots are perfect with her cardigan. How strange that they sent you the shoes before payment! And what a great package to receive :)

  4. Stunning knitting! The cardigan is beautiful and the shoes match perfectly.

  5. Angelo would like some of these shoes. Would you share where to purchase them, please?

    1. Of course - I bought them from the manufacturer, Puppenschuhwerkstatt Wagner in Zella-Mehlis, Germany. Their web site is http://www.puppenschuhwerkstatt.de/themen.html ; I'm afraid it's in German only. They say on their site they deliver to countries outside Europe only at request, whatever that means...
      The shoes are made for dolls whose feet are wider than Sasha's. The boots and lace ups (size 40) are a good fit with hand knitted socks. Charlie wears on the photos Nr. 1402, and Grace wears 1602 (link Jungenschuhe). They have a size sheet you can print out - in case Armand would like new shoes, too; I don't think they are a good fit for Adam.
      If you have difficulties ordering, or if they don't want to ship to New Zealand, send me an email (see page Kontakt on my blog), maybe we can sort it out.
      Thank you for visiting!
