Ich habe mal was anderes ausprobiert: Ein Rundpassenkleid, nach Venus Dodges Buch Puppenkleider selber machen.
I've tried out something new: a dress with a round yoke, from The Dolls Dressmaker by Venus Dodge.
Scarlett führt es vor. Auf dem Pflanztisch!
Scarlett is modelling it. On the worktable!
Es ist etwas fummelig zu nähen. Aber Scarlett findet es schön locker und luftig.
To sew it was a little fiddly. But Scarlett thinks it's nicely loose and cool.
Jetzt hat sie etwas entdeckt.
Now she spotted something.
Was liegt da auf unserer Terrasse im Weg?
Tja, das sind übrige Dachziegel vom Dachdecken im Frühjahr. Irgendwann können wir die sicher brauchen - jetzt gerade würden wir einen Platz für sie brauchen... aber der Garten ist halt sehr klein.
What's this getting in the way on the deck?
Well, they are spare tiles from replacing our roof in spring. We'll need them one day - what we need now is a suitable place for them... but the garden is tiny.
Aber ich kann die brauchen! Zum Draufklettern!
Now, I can use them! To climb them!
Aussicht - wie romantisch...
A view - how romantic.....
Very Nice Scarlet getting up a bit higher to show off your lovely new dress is good.
AntwortenLöschenI have had that book for years, even before I had a sasha and I have still not made anything from it! Maybe I will look inside again once I retire.. lol
That book was my first encounter with Sasha dolls - didn't know them before, even though they were sold in Germany when I was at doll playing age. The patterns need some modifying to fit a Sasha, but there are some very clever ideas in that book. Just received a second copy to keep at the GnomeHome. Used, at least 20 years old, but the previous owner obviously never made anything from it either - it's as good as new.
AntwortenLöschenSchönes Hemd und das Rundpassenkleid ist dir gut gelungen. Ich liebe deine Stories zu den Bildern mom
AntwortenLöschenKönnte etwas enger anliegen - nächstes Mal nehme ich die kleinere Größe!
LöschenI also have that book and use it occasionally for different dolls, there are lots of good ideas in it. The dress you've made is the perfect colour for Scarlet and yes, lovely and cool for the summer.
I believe everyone who sews for dolls more often than once in a while owns that book.... and it HAS plenty of good ideas!