Von Puppen und Hunden

Von Puppen und Hunden

Samstag, 27. Juni 2020

Kirschen / Cherries

Orlando soll ein neues Hemd im Raglansschnitt vorführen, aber er ist zu aufgeregt.

Orlando was meant to model a new raglan cut shirt, but he is too upset.

Mami! Mami! Schau nur!  /  Mummy! Mummy! Just look!

Da oben!   /   Up there!

So viele Kirschen! Da muss ich hin!  /  So many cherries! I must get there!

Ich kletterte einfach an dem rosenlosen Rosenbogen hoch.

I'll just climb the roseless rose arch.

Oh (zensiert).....  /  Oh (censored).....

Ich komm nicht dran!   /   I can't reach them!

Ganz ruhig bleiben - erstens sind sie noch nicht ganz reif, und zweitens sind es saure.

Keep cool - first, they are not really ripe yet, and second, they are sour cherries.

Daraus machen wir dann Marmelade. In dieser hier sind die ersten, gemischt mit Himbeeren.

We'll cook jam from them. In this jar, the first of them are mixed with raspberries. 

5 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. It is... it's the first time we really have enough raspberries. Last years' jams always were a bit cherry heavy...

  2. Orlando was very brave cimbing up the rose arch to try and reach the cherries but I'm sure homemade cherry and raspberry jam will be delicious instead of sour cherries.
    Nice shirt too :)

    1. Thank you ;) I'll have to change the pattern a little at the neckline, but all in all, I'm pleased.
      It's a shame sour cherries only taste half as well as they look! But they do very good in jam.

  3. Ooooh what a lovely lot of cherries you have there, cherries are my all time favourite fruit...in fact I have just finished a big bowl of them because once I start, i cannot stop!
    I look forward to hearing about the jam making with this great crop.
